31 July 20 h

Duración : 1.30h

12 €

Classical music concert: Tempus Trio

Maria Tió, violin
Ferran Bardolet, cello
Ricard Rovirosa, piano

Tempus Trio was born from the desire to explore the great repertoire for piano trio and, at the same time, to seek a contemporary dialogue to continue developing the literature of their formation. Critics have described them their as one of the most promising cambristic formations of their generation; they have cultivated important achievements in different international competitions and competitions, including the first prize of the International Music Competition "Grand Prize Virtuoso" in Brussels, the Platinum Medal (first prize) of the "WPTA Singapore International Music Competition", the Silver Medal of the "2nd Vienna International Competition", the special prize of the "BBVA Montserrat Alavedra International Competition". In this year 2023, they have won the first prize ex-aequo at the international competition "Città di Padova" and the first prize at the "Petrichor International Music Competition" in New York, USA 3rd prize at the "Rising Stars International Competition Berlin 2022". Currently, Tempus Trio is finishing a Master's Degree in Chamber Music at the prestigious Universiät Mozarteum in Salzburg with Professor Cibrán Sierra Vázquez, violinist of the Quiroga Quartet. They are also guests at the "European Chamber Music Academy" (ECMA) in Vienna and are artists selected by the artistic program "Le Dimore del Quartetto" in Milan. Their professional career encompasses a multifaceted view that materializes in important European masterclasses and festivals. During the 20/21 season they were "Artistas en Ruta", a resident group selected by the "Association of Interpreters of Spain" (AiE). Currently, they enjoy being the resident artists of Joventuts Musicals de Moià.

