
Guanyadors del Concurs de relats

Activitats literàries virtuals per a celebrar el Sant Jordi

| 18 May 2020
Amb motiu del dia de la rosa i dels llibres, els Museus de Sitges organitzen una Marató de lectura de l’emblemàtica obra Oracions de Santiago Rusiñol i un Concurs de relats, tot per participar des de casa. CONCURS DE RELATS Et proposem escriure un relat! Els participants dels relats creatius es...view ›
Dia Internacional dels Museus

International Museum Day. Museums for equality: diversity and inclusion

| 13 May 2020
With the motto Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion, International Museum Day 2020 aims to become a meeting point to celebrate the diversity of perspectives that make up the communities and museums staff, as well as to promote tools to identify and overcome the prejudices in what the...view ›

Visit us now also at the #MuseuObert (Open Museum)

| 20 April 2020
For the first time, all collections of the Sitges Museums can be seen online through the website , a joint initiative between several Catalan museums and the companies Nubilum, Coeli and Edittio; free of charge, in order to make available to everyone the small and great treasures we...view ›

In times of confinement, our App brings you closer to the Museums of Sitges

| 8 April 2020
The new Sitges Museums application offers the opportunity to visit the Cau Ferrat and the Maricel Museum via mobile phone or computer, free of charge and available for both iPhone and Android. This is a service of the Museums of Sitges that has a dual purpose: on one hand, the diffusion of the...view ›

Sitges museums, closer than ever before

| 17 March 2020
There are four museums in Sitges –the Cau Ferrat , the Maricel Museum , the Maricel Palace and the Romantic Museum – can all be visited in a virtual way through the Google Art Project. This online platform shows the world's largest art collections and, since its inception - eight years ago - it has...view ›

The Sitges Museums are temporarily closed

| 13 March 2020
The Cau Ferrat Museum, the Maricel Museum, the Maricel Palace and Fundació Stämpfli will remain closed to the public until further instructions. While, it is keeps internal activity at a distance. For any query, contact by phone or email to: and/or 93 8940364 ext.1...view ›

A facsimile edition brings projection to Rusiñol's wrought-iron collection

| 27 February 2020
The edition of the study and conference, entitled Mis hierros viejos, by Santiago Rusiñol on his wrought iron collection in 1893, has been published by the Sitges Heritage Consortium in a facsimile edition, with an introductory study from Vinyet Panyella. The work will be presented tomorrow, Friday...view ›

Sitges Museums announce the dates of this year's guided tours to the Parish

| 18 February 2020
Guided visits to the Parish of Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla are one of the most characteristic proposals in recent times at the Museums of Sitges, in a clear commitment to bring the local heritage, in a playful and informative way, to the citizens as a whole. The initiative takes place one...view ›

Cau Ferrat already has its own catalog of paintings and printed works

| 17 February 2020
It has been one of the most anticipated works, due to its size and, at the same time, its crucial importance. This is the Catalog of paintings and printed works of the Cau Ferrat, published by the Consortium of Heritage of Sitges, and which was presented last Friday at the same Cau Ferrat. The work...view ›

Two works from Cau Ferrat arrive in Tokyo

| 11 February 2020
Tokyo is the final stop of the exhibition Barcelona, the city of artistic miracles, following its journey since April last year in various Japanese cities. The exhibition presents 120 works of Modernism, Noucentisme and the Catalan avant-gardes, including three paintings from Cau Ferrat, which have...view ›
