6 August 19 h

Catalan, Spanish and English

10 €

Itinerary ‘Picasso and Sitges: a physical and sentimental cartography’

A physical and intellectual itinerary tracing the links between Sitges and Picasso from various viewpoints. Picasso visited Sitges on various occasions, at the turn of the century and in the 1930s, for different reasons.

The itinerary brings together names such as Picasso, Rusiñol, Utrillo, Casagemas, El Greco, Maricel, Cau Ferrat and the beach of Sant Sebastià, all referenced in documents and testimonies that link Sitges with one of the foremost artists in the history of art.

Outdoor itinerary visiting places linked with Pablo Picasso and guided tour of the Museums of Sitges.



Vi de Llevant