31 August 20 h

Three groups at the same time. CAT / ES / EN

93 894 03 20

Gastronomic experience itinerary: Full moon dinner

The noucentiste terraces of Maricel Palace provide the setting for a unique experience: a moon-lit dinner. The evening will begin with a guided tour to discover the building, one of the architectural gems of Noucentisme in the town of Sitges, decorated by Miquel Utrillo and American art collector Charles Deering.

Maricel Palace hosts the Full Moon Dinner to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Sitgestiu. It is a unique chance to observe the star-studded Sitges sky and the summer calm of the Mediterranean Sea from a prime emblematic position. As well as appreciating the lovely setting of the Palace’s noucentiste terraces, attendees will enjoy a tasty meal served by Grup M.A. caterers.

Concert with Bibiana Gomís, voice, Joan Pinós, double bass, and Òscar Ferret, piano.





Malvasia dolça
Cava Cygnus Albireo
Anais Xarel·lo
Anais negre
Ginebra Paó de Sitges