Imatge de l'interior del Santuari del Vinyet
3 August 19 h

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12 €

Visit and organ concert at the Santuari del Vinyet

Museus de Sitges will be present at the Festa de la Mare de Déu del Vinyet (Feast of Our Lady of Vinyet), one of the most emblematic days in the town's calendar.

The visit will begin at 7 p.m. and guidance will be offered by AGISitges. The tour will allow you to learn about the history and the small treasures of the sanctuary and its symbolism in the culture of Sitges. The itinerary in the sanctuary, built in 1727, will allow you to understand the details of the main aisle and the side chapels, as well as the image of Our Lady of Vinyet.

Afterwards, the participants will attend an organ concert by Salva Monzó.


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